Quantifying the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy and neurogenic atrophy

Jun 26, 2013 | Senza categoria

A recent article published in BMC Medicine describes the development of a method called "Computerized Image Analysis for Neuromuscular Diseases(NDICIA), which uses scientific network analysis to identify the distinctive signature in muscle biopsy images." The diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases is highly dependent on the histological characterization of the muscle biopsy which, often, varies from individual to individual. This method attempts to objectively quantify epithelial organization in people with neuromuscular disease. To achieve this, the authors processed images of 102 muscle biopsies from 70 individuals, representing each image as a network, with fibers instead of nodes and connections between fibers as connections. NDICIA characterizes muscle tissue by representing each image and can, therefore, show tissue organization to reveal whether the tissue is normal or diseased. This method has been validated, as it strongly correlates with evaluation by pathologists. According to the authors, this "approach will be a valuable tool for assessing the etiology of muscular dystrophies or neurogenic atrophies, and has the potential to quantify treatment outcomes in preclinical and clinical studies."

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